ISS (National Institute of Health)

CNR (National Research Council)

INAIL (National institute for insurance against industrial injuries)

SIMSI (Italian Medical Diving and Hyperbaric Society)

The aim of the working group is to integrate the skills of representatives of health authorities (ISS), occupational safety (INAIL), scientific research (CNR), together with the Italian Scientific Sector Societies (SIMSI, SIAARTI) and professional Associations (ANCIP, ASPaTI) to review the regulatory framework of devices that administer oxygen under hyperbaric conditions, in light of the technologies available today: it is a question of considering the devices of use for humans, animals and scientific research.

The current hyperbaric technologies are used, in addition to therapeutic use (hyperbaric oxygen therapy), also in various other work sectors, including the prevention of accidents due to decompression sickness in the occupational fieldĀ  (professional diving, tunneling, etc.).

Hyperbaric technologies are also offered for aesthetic treatments, preconditioning in sports, veterinary activities, research (small animals and/or biological material) and more.

The objective of the GdLDI will therefore be to classify the different types of hyperbaric systems and outline the risks and criteria of protection from predictable accidents for those in treatment and for the staff of the management/assistance of the devices, due to inappropriate use of the hyperbaric devices themselves (hyperbaric chambers in their different configurations). At the same time, it is intended to spread the knowledge gained within the GdLDI to the national and international context.